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Xylanase (pronounced zy-lan-ase) is a naturally-occurring enzyme that can have beneficial impacts on human health and digestion.[1] Fungi and bacteria produce xylanase, and it's produced by insects, crustaceans like snails, and even seeds.[2] Mammals, including humans, do not produce xylanase, but some of our gut bacteria do. Scientifically speaking, it is an enzyme that breaks down xylan, a type of hemicellulose, by cleaving the molecule’s beta 1,4 backbone into a simple sugar called xylose. Xylan is the second most common polysaccharide in nature and is a component of plant cell […]

Uncontrollable gas (flatus or flatulent gases) is known as flatal incontinence. This condition is defined as involuntary flatulence at least once or more per week. The big concern: it can happen anywhere. Involuntarily ‘breaking wind’ while at the store, restaurant or at the office creates embarrassing situations. It can erode self-confidence. It can negatively impact one’s relationships. Worse yet, the feeling of being powerless to control oneself can stress and isolate an individual. Unfortunately, it's a concern that afflicts women around the world. (more…)

Just as everyone goes to the bathroom, everyone also passes gas; it's simply a biological reality. Your body is able to absorb a limited amount of the gas it ingests or produces. The rest has to come out somewhere. Even though flatulence is normal, its presence can cause anxiety and panic- both for the person releasing the gas, and those who may be in the vicinity. For this reason, reducing flatulence is of interest to many people, especially if they feel like their body is producing an excessive amount. (more…)

Have you ever heard of a rectal catheter? It's exactly what you imagine it to be. Did you know that several years ago, researchers at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield England used rectal catheters to measure and evaluate the flatulence released by ten volunteers? (I appreciate the thrill of discovery but I'm not sure I'd want to be a technician for that program.) Over a 24-hour period of observation, several facts about flatulence were determined. [1] (more…)

Digestive complaints are a common concern among adults. Gas, bloating, and indigestion: we've all experienced all of them and most of the time their presence is temporary. Flatulence, which is perhaps the most popular of gastrointestinal struggles, may occasionally be the result of a serious health concern but is often simply the result of diet or other benign situation. Although you should always be courteous and mindful of those nearby, here are three occasions when you definitely do not need to worry about being flatulent. (more…)

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