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We’ve all been there. You crawl into bed, drowsy and ready to drift into dreamland. But just as you start to doze off, you remember that you forgot to respond to an email. You open your eyes and reach for your phone. An hour later, you’re mindlessly scrolling through social media. It’s now well past your bedtime, but you’re wide awake. No matter how tired you are at the end of the day, it can be hard to prioritize rest. Whether you have trouble falling asleep or you wake in […]

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It seems like everyone wants a home that feels like a retreat: an environment that’s soothing, uplifting, and beautiful. Many of us are taking inspiration from the Danish word hygge (pronounced hoo-gah), which is all about creating a cozy home that inspires connection and a sense of well-being. Natural fibers, pale colors, and lights with a soft, warm glow are hallmarks of this style. Others are embracing minimalism, paring down their possessions to the essentials that make them happy, as advised by Marie Kondo. As she likes to say, only […]

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"I was so bloated that I looked nine months pregnant," explains Andrea D., a school secretary from Madison, Wisconsin. "Anything I ate would come right back up, but I was still gaining unwanted weight." With pain rippling through her body, she struggled to sleep and function and had constipation, especially after eating carb-heavy foods. Exhausted from the roller coaster, Andrea consulted a gastroenterologist, desperate for answers. After running tests, Andrea’s doctor told her the news: an imbalance of the bacteria in her gut was causing her symptoms. Seeking relief, Andrea […]

At Global Healing, we’ve spent more than ten years perfecting our signature herbal extraction process. Our goal is to create highly energetic, potent, and effective nutritional supplements. And one of the most exciting results is the recent addition of Energized Trace Minerals™ to our liquid formulas, including our Raw Herbal Extract™ products. Energized Trace Minerals provide the spark and energy that most extracts lack, and they make Global Healing products unique in the industry. It’s easier to capture the plant’s general nutrients and antioxidants, but extracting trace minerals from plants […]

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We all feel tired, even exhausted, some of the time. But for some people, the exhaustion never lets up, and it comes along with physical discomfort, sleep issues, and trouble with memory and concentration. Anywhere from about 800,000 to 2.5 million Americans may have myalgic encephalomyelitis — more commonly called chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).[1] Medical experts once told people these symptoms were “all in their head" — but they have come to accept that the suffering is real. As one patient put it, having ME/CFS feels “like permanently having the […]

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Women's Health