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Garlic (Allium sativum) is a plant used in cooking and medicine, best known for its distinctive flavor and aroma. While frequently used as a seasoning, garlic is technically a vegetable. A member of the Allium family, it’s a close relative of onions, shallots, leeks, and chives. The benefits of garlic don’t end with adding flavor to food, it’s a legitimate superfood that has been used for an astounding variety of medical applications for thousands of years. (more…)

Proponents of the alkaline diet claim that eating certain foods influences the body’s acid-base homeostasis, or pH levels. It's believed that encouraging a healthy, pH balanced environment within the body can produce favorable effects on one's health.[1] It sounds like a good idea, and it is true that tissues and fluids must maintain a certain pH level to function properly. However, your body has mechanisms to keep pH levels in check – regardless of what you eat. Let's take a closer look at the alkaline diet and break it down. […]

Agribusiness, as an industry, developed a food production system that often ignores what food is really all about: nutrition, health, and flavor. The voice of those of us who are not interested in so-called conventional farming is increasing. We're not interested in consuming chemicals, toxins, or GMOs. What are we interested in? Organic food. Why? Simply put: it's better. Top Reasons to Eat Organic Foods Here are six reasons why you should make it a point to consume organic whenever possible. 1. No GMOs Genetically modified food is an unnatural […]

Pomegranates have exploded in popularity in recent years and it’s due to their ever-growing list of amazing health benefits. Rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants, pomegranates defend against free radicals, soothe irritated tissue, and promote healthy aging. Best of all, pomegranates are as delicious as they are nutritious. Let’s look at some of the incredible health benefits of pomegranates. (more…)

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The traditional green bean casserole has become an uninspired, uneaten dish at many a holiday gathering. Mix things up with this fresh green bean salad from Brooklyn Supper. This is a great side dish to make ahead of time because it needs to marinate in the dressing. The basil, garlic, and balsamic vinaigrette make this a wonderfully aromatic salad that will keep for about two days. (more…)

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A bottle of Kava Calm