Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Finding the right nutritional supplements to support your thyroid can be a challenge. The concern isn’t a lack of products — quite the opposite. If you search for thyroid supplements, you’ll be inundated with dozens of companies marketing all sorts of pills and potions alleged to support the thyroid. In the sea of brands, options, promises, and claims, how do you know what to choose? (more…)

Although scientists have yet to determine the exact origin of autism, some research has shown a potential link between iodine deficiency and autism.[1] Because of this, many alternative health care practitioners are looking at methods that involve nutrition, detoxification and iodine supplementation. Over the past two decades, the incidence of autism spectrum disorder rates among children has skyrocketed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates one out of every 88 children in the U.S. will display autistic symptoms.[2] This is astonishingly high. (more…)

Located just below the voice box, the thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system and has a significant influence on many of the body’s most essential processes. Regulation of growth, body temperature, metabolism, and physical development are all driven by the thyroid gland.[1] Normal thyroid function is dependent on a number of factors, including nutrition and abstaining from exposure to certain environmental toxins. (more…)

The thyroid gland is one of the body’s most important components. The thyroid regulates hormone balance and contributes to weight, mood, and mental stability — and that barely scratches the surface. Because of the thyroid’s influence on so many of the body’s important, and even "secondary" functions, an unhealthy thyroid can have far-reaching, unexpected, and odd effects that manifest into symptoms that many doctors fail to identify as thyroid-related. That’s a concern. Awareness is key, so to help, here are ten, easy-to-miss symptoms of thyroid concerns. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm