Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

If you’re looking for a powerful way to get your body in better health, consider cleansing your kidneys. Along with colon and liver cleansing, kidney cleansing is one of the most basic and necessary detoxes. Bean shaped organs located along the posterior side of the abdomen, the kidneys work with other organs to regulate blood pressure, increase red blood cell production, and synthesize vitamin D. If your kidneys don’t function well, they can’t properly filter waste material from your blood. When that happens, toxins that the kidneys should expel in […]

Calcium orotate is the most highly absorbed calcium supplement. Extensive research by the late German doctor Hans A. Nieper, M.D. found that orotate molecules are the most efficient carriers of calcium, magnesium, lithium, and other ions in the body. Orotates can cross the cell membrane, delivering the mineral ion to the innermost layers of the cell, reaching the mitochondria and nucleus. Other calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate, citrate, gluconate, lactate, malate, and phosphate, cannot penetrate into the membranes as orotates can, or are broken up in the digestive tract.[1, […]

Gravel root, also known as Joe Pye weed, is a therapeutic herb that's been around for centuries. Historical records from Turkey indicate its use as early as the B.C. era. Throughout history, many cultures have used gravel root as a remedy for an assortment of health complaints. Many of the bioactive compounds responsible for gravel root’s benefits are beginning to be analyzed by the scientific community in order to validate the age-old claims. (more…)

Your kidneys provide a vital service to your body — they filter waste from your blood and send it to your bladder. They also regulate blood pressure, manage water reabsorption, control the acidity in the body, and balance electrolyte levels. Considering their importance, eating a diet to promote kidney health could be one of the best things you can do. The following seven foods will support your kidneys and make their job easier. (more…)

Exposure to fluoride is a contentious topic, mostly because exposure is everywhere. Not only is fluoride a common ingredient in toothpaste, many municipalities have a fluoridated water supply. Why? Well, the reason we're given is that it encourages oral health... even though it's not known to prevent harmful oral bacteria. [1] What is known is that fluoride is toxic. In fact, the number one reason for poison control calls concerning fluoride are for children who've eaten toothpaste. [2] [3] Long-term ingestion is harmful to the brain, digestive system, heart, bones... […]

A bottle of Kava Calm