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When Romie B’s husband Joey got kidney stones for the second time, she recognized the symptoms right away. "It hit him hard: severe pain, chills, vomiting, and of course, trouble urinating," says Romie, who lives in Akron, Ohio. "The doctor said to drink a lot of water and cranberry juice for kidney stones until they pass." Romie herself had kidney stones in the past. She knew that before the stones pass, they can be painful — maybe the most uncomfortable thing most people feel in their lifetime, barring childbirth. "Hopefully, […]

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If you’re looking for a powerful way to get your body in better health, consider cleansing your kidneys. Along with colon and liver cleansing, kidney cleansing is one of the most basic and necessary detoxes. Bean shaped organs located along the posterior side of the abdomen, the kidneys work with other organs to regulate blood pressure, increase red blood cell production, and synthesize vitamin D. If your kidneys don’t function well, they can’t properly filter waste material from your blood. When that happens, toxins that the kidneys should expel in […]

I was in an important meeting at work and suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to go to the bathroom — despite using it an hour ago. I rushed out of the room and frantically searched for the closest bathroom. The full and uncomfortable feeling in my bladder couldn't wait for the meeting to end! Let me tell you — if you have regularly experienced the sudden need to urinate, you're not alone. Frequent urination in women has unique symptoms, so understanding the causes — and solutions — can help. Causes […]

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If you get a burning sensation when you're urinating, it could signal a urinary tract infection (UTI). "Feeling the burn" is a good thing when you're lifting weights or on a long run, but not when you have a UTI. In addition to traditional treatments, many UTI home remedies — like taking probiotics, drinking plenty of water, and drinking cranberry juice — may help. Better yet, these home remedies may prevent you from getting UTIs in the first place! UTIs are one of the most common health complaints, responsible for […]

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Today, more and more people are discovering the health benefits of burdock root, particularly for skin, digestion, and detoxification. What's more, you can enjoy this little-known gem as a tasty root vegetable! Burdock has some interesting Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy facts surrounding it. If you've ever removed a sticky round burr from your clothing after hiking through the forest, there's a good chance you've encountered seeds of the burdock plant. Burdock's ingenious mechanism for seed dispersal was the inspiration for Velcro.[1] However, the plant's roots, not the seeds, pack the […]

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Women's Health