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Your kidneys are among the most important organs in your body. They work hard every day detoxifying the blood and sending waste toxins out through the urinary system. Kidneys also balance electrolytes, regulate minerals, like calcium, and help maintain a healthy blood pressure. With all this work to do and with so many chemicals in our environment, it’s not surprising that one in three Americans is at risk of developing kidney disease in their lifetime or that 10 percent of Americans will develop painful kidney stones. Supporting your kidneys with […]

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Whether you are trying to support a major body cleanse or you just want to boost your energy, detox drinks can enrich a healthy lifestyle and support your mind and body! Are you looking for answers, like how often to drink these cleansing drinks or whether to consume them before or during meals? Or are you searching for a handful of delicious and effective body detox drink recipes rather than an overwhelming list of 50? You’re in luck! I’ve put together a comprehensive guide to the best, tastiest, and most […]

The kidneys are among the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, pulling waste products out and regulating fluid balance. They shunt unnecessary nutrients, excess water, and toxins to the bladder for elimination as urine. Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process and excrete waste, excess minerals, and toxins and crystals of unprocessed minerals begin to develop. Kidney stones, if they’re large enough, may cause tearing and pain, some even block urine flow.[1] (more…)

Kidney stones affect both the mother and the unborn baby, negatively impacting health, development, and delivery. Being pregnant doesn't necessarily increase the chances you're going to develop kidney stones, but being pregnant can make it harder to remedy them. Every pregnant, or soon-to-become pregnant, woman should pay special attention to habits that discourage kidney stones. (more…)

High-fructose corn syrup, or HFCS for short, is a sweetener commonly used in processed foods. It’s included in many foods that one would least suspect, like bread, crackers, pasta sauces, and even pickles. Groups like the Corn Refiner’s Association and companies whose products contain high fructose corn syrup continue to market it as a safe, almost "natural" product. The truth, however, is that studies have shown serious health issues arise from consuming this stuff, including kidney stones. (more…)

Women's Health