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Gravel root, also known as Joe Pye weed, is a therapeutic herb that's been around for centuries. Historical records from Turkey indicate its use as early as the B.C. era. Throughout history, many cultures have used gravel root as a remedy for an assortment of health complaints. Many of the bioactive compounds responsible for gravel root’s benefits are beginning to be analyzed by the scientific community in order to validate the age-old claims. (more…)

When Romie B’s husband Joey got kidney stones for the second time, she recognized the symptoms right away. "It hit him hard: severe pain, chills, vomiting, and of course, trouble urinating," says Romie, who lives in Akron, Ohio. "The doctor said to drink a lot of water and cranberry juice for kidney stones until they pass." Romie herself had kidney stones in the past. She knew that before the stones pass, they can be painful — maybe the most uncomfortable thing most people feel in their lifetime, barring childbirth. "Hopefully, […]

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I was in an important meeting at work and suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to go to the bathroom — despite using it an hour ago. I rushed out of the room and frantically searched for the closest bathroom. The full and uncomfortable feeling in my bladder couldn't wait for the meeting to end! Let me tell you — if you have regularly experienced the sudden need to urinate, you're not alone. Frequent urination in women has unique symptoms, so understanding the causes — and solutions — can help. Causes […]

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Ask anyone who has had a kidney stone, and they'll tell you that it's one of the most unpleasant experiences they have ever had! Different types of kidney stones exist, but the most common is a calcium oxalate stone.[1] In some people, calcium oxalate accumulates in their body and forms stones that must be eliminated through the urinary tract or in stool. In the United States, kidney stones affect one in 11 people, with higher rates among men, and overweight men and women.[2] If you tend to develop kidney stones, […]

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Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body, makes up 1.5 percent to 2 percent of your weight. Most of the mineral resides in your bones and teeth, but calcium in your bloodstream plays an important role in many biochemical processes. Calcium deficiency is usually caused by a medical condition, although it’s occasionally caused by not getting enough in your diet. When your blood calcium levels fall too low, a condition called hypocalcemia, your body begins pulling calcium from your bones and teeth, weakening them. If you lack calcium in […]

Women's Health