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Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that’s necessary for good health. Your body cannot naturally produce it. However, vitamin B12 is commonly available in various foods and supplements. If you’ve been searching for a B12 supplement, you might have seen many scientific-sounding ingredients that aren’t fully explained. The entire process of finding a good quality supplement can be exhausting! One ingredient you’ll run into if you’re looking for a B12 product is cyanocobalamin. But, just because it’s available for purchase, does that mean it’s safe, natural, and effective? Watch my […]

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Fats often get a bad rap, but the truth is, your body needs healthy fats for energy production, nutrient absorption, and overall cell health. Along with carbohydrates and protein, fats provide energy, maintain brain and heart health, and even help reduce inflammation in the body. Every cell in your body uses fats and their building blocks — called fatty acids. You have probably heard of omega-3 fatty acids, which many people buy as supplements. You may have even heard of omega-6s — a fatty acid that people often get too […]

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Did you know lithium is a naturally occurring mineral — an alkali metal — found all over the earth? The name lithium derives from the Greek word lithos, meaning stone. Traces of lithium exist in granite rock around the world, as well as in soil and water. Lithium is so plentiful in our environment that even your food contains trace amounts. Like calcium and potassium, your body requires lithium to function properly. While high doses of lithium may have some associations with mental conditions, the fact is, lithium is a […]

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In the early 1900s, people flocked to Lithia Springs in Georgia, a hot spring known for its lithium-enriched water. Hailed for its therapeutic properties as a mood booster, stress reliever, and aphrodisiac, the lithiated water was even bottled and sold. Today, as the spring is seeing a rebirth, so is the mineral seeing a rise in popularity as a nutritional supplement. Lithium is a naturally occurring mineral found in rocks all over the Earth. It was one of the first elements present when the universe formed billions of years ago. […]

Most health-conscious people have heard of magnesium (Mg), but many of them don't know a whole lot about it. Compared to other vitamins and minerals, it tends to fly under the radar. But, it's a vital nutrient that's essential for good health. You may remember magnesium from the periodic table of scientific elements that was posted in your middle school science classroom. It plays a critical role in metabolism, and the body uses it for more than 300 biochemical reactions. Those processes support your immune system, promote a healthy nervous […]

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A bottle of Kava Calm