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The earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear power plant meltdown at the Fukushima Daichi reactor in 2011 brought up many concerns involving radiation levels in Japan and the entire globe. Here at Global Healing, we are committed to educating and helping individuals reduce radiation exposure caused by nuclear fallout, as well as everyday exposure to harmful electromagnetic frequencies. (more…)

Potassium Iodide is a white, odorless chemical compound made up of 76% iodine and 23% potassium. You might also see it represented by its chemical formula, KI: K for potassium and I for iodine. As a supplement, KI exists in tablet or liquid form. Potassium iodide’s most well-known use is in radiation emergencies when it’s taken to flood out the radioactive iodine with a stable, safe iodine form. Healthcare providers also use potassium iodine during surgeries or as a topical skin treatment, and individuals may use it as a nutritional […]

Testosterone plays a vital role in male sexuality. This hormone gives men their deep voice, facial hair, and sexual drive. As men grow older, it’s natural for testosterone levels to decline, but levels can drop prematurely due to other factors. Signs and symptoms of low testosterone include low sex drive, lack of energy, loss of muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, and mood changes. Could “low T” be affecting you? Read on to learn about the symptoms as well as natural solutions. (more…)

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It never fails — you go to bed to get some much-desired rest, wake up thinking you got plenty, and then suddenly you're tired again. Or maybe you just feel tired all the time, and for seemingly no reason — and sometimes that sleepiness comes with a lack of energy or brain fog. Sleep is important. And fatigue definitely affects many people, but it's not the same for each person. Some are tired only for a brief amount of time — mid-afternoon lag, anyone? Others feel a constant energy lag. […]

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Having brittle nails that easily break, chip, and split is a common irritation for many people. Although brittle nails are painful and can affect day-to-day activities, fragile nails are usually just a cosmetic concern caused by normal, everyday wear and tear. Sometimes, however, they indicate a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or another health condition. Regardless of the cause, there are a number of simple actions and natural remedies to help your nails grow stronger. The nails, which protect the fingers and toes, are composed of a hard protein called keratin […]

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Women's Health