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Why can’t I recall her name? Where is my cell phone? I just had it! What was I supposed to buy at the grocery store? When older adults notice their memory slipping, it’s natural to feel frustrated or nervous. You may even wonder: Am I getting dementia? The truth is that while some memory loss and cognitive decline are part of your body’s natural aging process, you also can take simple steps to keep your mind sharp — no matter your age. Nearly every aspect of your lifestyle — including […]

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Are there healthy ways to whiten your teeth? You bet there are! For a more natural alternative to over-the-counter or dental teeth whitening, consider using turmeric! The vibrant orange-yellow hue of the spice turmeric can liven up curries and stews, but did you know it can also make your teeth whiter? Turmeric teeth whitening preparations are becoming more and more popular. Turmeric’s yellow color comes from the curcumin inside the root. People use turmeric for a variety of health and wellness purposes — including whitening teeth. Who knew? Nobody has […]

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Are you having trouble concentrating? Can't stay focused? While most people occasionally struggle with the inability to focus, other people may have a more serious condition like attention deficit disorder or perhaps a vitamin deficiency that requires directed guidance. For most people's everyday lack of focus, simple, easy-to-follow techniques can show you how to improve focus in your day-to-day tasks. With just a few changes, like getting enough sleep, meditating, managing stress, and taking breaks, you may find yourself feeling more alert, sharper, and ready to take on your day. […]

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Have you ever done the tissue test, where you hold up a piece of pristine white tissue paper next to your teeth to see the color difference? If you're like most people, the results are disheartening: stained, dull, yellow teeth — a far cry from the bright whiteness of the tissue. Luckily, whitening your teeth doesn't have to be a big ordeal. There are plenty of do-it-yourself natural teeth whitening options, including herbs, activated charcoal, and more. Plus, these methods are inexpensive and safe — unlike professional teeth whitening services […]

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Everyone talks about aging gracefully but let's get serious. When your ears suddenly sprout hair, you leak a little every time you laugh, and you habitually adjust your television's volume control to a very, very loud setting, “grace" is not the first word that enters your mind. How many of us actually age like Harrison Ford or Jane Fonda? (They even named Fonda's character Grace on the show, “Grace and Frankie"!) In our less starry-eyed "real lives," we can nevertheless achieve a reality where our intellectual, emotional, and physical lives […]

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