Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Finding the right nutritional supplements to support your thyroid can be a challenge. The concern isn’t a lack of products — quite the opposite. If you search for thyroid supplements, you’ll be inundated with dozens of companies marketing all sorts of pills and potions alleged to support the thyroid. In the sea of brands, options, promises, and claims, how do you know what to choose? (more…)

Many people know that vitamin B12 supports normal energy levels and that vitamin C can help the immune system, but what do you know about manganese? It doesn’t have the star power of other nutrients like calcium, iron, or potassium, but it’s still essential and vital to your health. Manganese, which is stored in the bones, kidneys, and pancreas, is a trace mineral, meaning your body needs very small amounts of it, but that doesn’t make it any less important. Rather, the human body requires it for many important functions.[1] […]

Biotin is a water-soluble, B-complex vitamin. It's found in all living cells and is essential for cellular metabolism.[1] Biotin is also known as vitamin H, coenzyme R, and vitamin B-7. Confusingly, it is also sometimes called vitamin B-8, but this is unofficial and relatively uncommon (B-8 more often refers to inositol). Biotin is used by all living creatures — plants, animals, and even single-celled organisms. (more…)

Biotin is a B-complex vitamin required by every cell in the body. B vitamins are a class of chemically distinct vitamins that help your body process food into energy. Also known as vitamin H, coenzyme R, and vitamin B7, biotin helps the body metabolize fats, protein,[1] and carbohydrates. The human body needs biotin for normal growth and development, and the vitamin is especially critical for healthy embryonic growth. Biotin can also help maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails.[2] Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, as opposed to fat-soluble. Unused water-soluble vitamins […]

Selenium (Se) is a trace mineral that can be found in foods and supplements.[1] It is available in both organic and inorganic forms and is an essential nutrient for humans and animals.[2] In the body, selenium works as an antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage. It has an important role in thyroid hormone synthesis, the male reproductive system, and other bodily processes.[3, 4] (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm