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A bottle of Berberine

Vegetarian Diet

When developing a raw vegan diet, or any diet for that matter, you should focus on choosing foods that provide your body with the five most essential types of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. Fortunately, these essential nutrients are present in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and plants, so it is actually pretty easy to create a diet for yourself that is highly varied, palatable, and rich in nutritious value. (more…)

The term "superfood" has been used to describe practically every natural food and health food item under the sun these past few years. With the term’s constant use (and misuse) in advertising, food marketing, and the media, it’s no wonder why there is so much confusion surrounding superfoods. The term isn’t regulated and can be attributed to practically anything – a fact that many big-name food product manufacturers take pleasure in exploiting. (more…)

When it comes to detoxing your body, there are many techniques you can follow as well as supplements you can take. One plan, in particular, is to eat detoxifying foods. These foods have properties that help your body's natural detoxification processes work more efficiently. They may boost your liver health or help digestion. They contain healthful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Read on! (more…)

You may have heard a lot about antioxidants in conjunction with good health and avoiding diseases. Antioxidants have gotten great press, and rightfully so. But how do they work once inside our bodies, and what are some sources of antioxidants? (more…)

A study conducted in part by scientists at Oxford University's Cancer Epidemiology Unit[1] indicates that vegetarians develop some cancers, including bladder and stomach cancers and leukemia, up to 45% less than persons who eat red meat[2], that's nearly half the risk! The study was published in the British Journal of Cancer earlier this year. (more…)