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A bottle of Berberine


What if the secret to clear, healthy, radiant skin isn’t found in a cream or serum, but rather in the food you eat? In fact, that is true! Whole foods contain nutrients that can get you glowing — naturally. Fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins A, C, and E, antioxidant-rich dark chocolate, as well as nuts and seeds that contain omega-3 fatty acids… these are some of the best foods for healthy skin. Whether you’re dealing with adult acne, dry skin, aging, or anything in between, tweaking your […]

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Imagine going through the day with a constant happy vibe. You’re productive, content, and feeling good. In today’s busy world, we can easily forget it’s possible to feel stress-free and live in a peaceful state of mind. Your stress levels don’t have to be through the roof. In fact, chronic stress can have serious ramifications on your health. Getting to that peaceful place may require lifestyle and dietary changes, but it’s definitely possible. After I changed my diet and my lifestyle decades ago, I went from being depressed to having […]

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Finding the right nutritional supplements to support your thyroid can be a challenge. The concern isn’t a lack of products — quite the opposite. If you search for thyroid supplements, you’ll be inundated with dozens of companies marketing all sorts of pills and potions alleged to support the thyroid. In the sea of brands, options, promises, and claims, how do you know what to choose? (more…)

Do you feel like your immune and respiratory system needs some extra love? Well, look no further than the flavonoid quercetin. Quercetin is a naturally occurring antioxidant commonly found in fruits and vegetables, including dark berries, grapes, and dark leafy greens! Red wine is also known to have notable amounts of quercetin.This potent antioxidant not only boosts your immune system and supports respiratory health, but it can help with your body's natural response to allergens, histamines, and inflammation. Let's dive into the top six quercetin benefits that you need to […]

If you're a heavy coffee drinker, consider trading it for tea instead. Tea can provide a huge array of health benefits and, if it's the caffeine you must have, may be a more "mild" substitute. (more…)