Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Agribusiness, as an industry, developed a food production system that often ignores what food is really all about: nutrition, health, and flavor. The voice of those of us who are not interested in so-called conventional farming is increasing. We're not interested in consuming chemicals, toxins, or GMOs. What are we interested in? Organic food. Why? Simply put: it's better. Top Reasons to Eat Organic Foods Here are six reasons why you should make it a point to consume organic whenever possible. 1. No GMOs Genetically modified food is an unnatural […]

Your respiratory system is constantly working. All day, every day, it is the vehicle for oxygen to enter your body. Unfortunately, it can also be an entry point for pollutants, irritants, dust, mold, fungus, harmful organisms, and other toxins. The constant exposure to impurities can take its toll. Fortunately, whether you're experiencing the effects of inhaling toxins, or simply want to ensure your lungs are always at peak performance, nature has provided a number of herbs and botanicals that provide deep nutrition for the respiratory system. (more…)

You want to lose weight, so you start trying to cut calories. The most obvious starting place seems to be switching from high-calorie foods with sugar to foods with zero calorie sweeteners, like aspartame. Better known by brand names, such as Equal, NutraSweet, and Spoonful, aspartame seems like a no-brainer. Fewer calories equals weight loss, right? (more…)

Aspartame is a nasty chemical that's sold as a zero-calorie healthy sweetener. But did you know that it's technically not calorie-free? Not a lot, only about 4 calories per gram. [1] That isn't a lot, and it's not a big deal. But it's one weird fact you probably didn't know about aspartame. Let's take a look at a few other points about aspartame that rarely get discussed. (more…)

Trying to lose weight can be an incredibly frustrating experience for most people. The most aggravating part is that rebound effect. Sure, you lose weight ... but as soon as you stop dieting, it just piles back on – and then some! The concern is the usual focus on cutting calories. It seems obvious that, if you take in fewer calories, you'll shed the pounds. To some degree, that's true, but it isn't the whole story. In fact, it's probably not even half of it. The primary concern is that, […]

Women's Health