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Artificial sweeteners are everywhere, and if you’re like me, you avoid them at all costs. Things like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin can be found in a variety of processed diet foods; however, even some foods you wouldn’t expect contain these chemicals. Whether you’re knowingly poisoning yourself with these toxins or not, you must know that their presence in your diet, regardless of the amount, have no purpose for your body. Not eliminating them is sometimes the only obstacle many people have toward achieving good health. (more…)

The brain is a complex organ, controlling our actions, cells, and emotions. When we mess with the brain, either inadvertently or with pharmaceutical medications, we can only expect a negative consequence in the process. If our body is exposed to toxins on a consistent basis, then there’s no doubt that our brain is too, and these environmental toxins – like aluminum and PCBs – are contributing to everything from Alzheimer’s disease to ADHD. [1] [2] Interfering with brain chemistry through the use of psychiatric medications is equally as harmful, more […]

Meat in its natural state is not totally harmful. The thing is, we don't often get it in its natural state, and common preparation methods for the food makes it even worse for human health. Consider the changes that cows go through before they come to us. Questionable medications, antibiotics, pesticide laden and GMO feed…all of this can be passed on to humans. (more…)

I’ve talked a lot about the importance of maintaining a healthy gut. Your gut is where your immune system starts and many studies indicate illnesses — everything from weight gain right down to depression — can actually start in the gut.[1] All kinds of bacteria live in your gut, but the “friendly” kind actually helps keep the “unfriendly” population in check. Many modern diets tend to be high in things that aren’t exactly great for gut health. Sugar, for example, is one of the worst offenders, causing harmful bacteria and […]

Everyone knows that exercise improves your mood and supports your health. But, were you aware that the toxins in your workout clothes could be undermining those efforts? A recent news report covering research done by Greenpeace is showing startling evidence that our clothes may be contributing to long-term health concerns, regardless of whether you exercise or not. [1] (more…)

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