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If you’re a fan of classic murder mysteries, chances are you know how deadly arsenic can be. There are two forms of this toxic metal that we need to worry about: organic and inorganic. Now, organic arsenic is completely different than the organic label on food. In arsenic, it simply refers to the presence of carbon. It’s also seen as the lesser of two evils. “Inorganic” arsenic, though, is nasty stuff, with lots of health concerns attached to it. [1] (more…)

Many people are aware that the number of cases of autism has been rising over the last few decades, but everyone is still fairly in the dark when it comes to knowing what puts unborn children at increased risk of developing the disorder. In order to better avoid this debilitating neurodevelopment disorder, it is wise to look at the compounding factors that have been strongly associated with increased autism risk. (more…)

A recent investigative report published in the Desert Sun newspaper is showing that Nestlé, one of the largest food businesses in the world, has been illegally pumping water from a Southern California national forest for 27 years. The company's permit expired in 1988, yet it continues to extract water from the drought-stricken area, placing profits over environment again and again. (more…)

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If you have type 2 diabetes, you already know your blood sugar levels can get too high. Your body develops a concern called insulin resistance where it doesn’t use insulin normally. While your pancreas can create insulin to offset the issue, that only works so well. And while the rate of diabetes seems to be leveling off in the U.S., this is still a very serious issue. [1] If you have type 2 diabetes, here are some things you should really know (and do). (more…)

Usually marketed with the lure of more energy or a mental or physical boost, energy drinks usually feature a cocktail of caffeine and vitamins (and maybe something like ginseng or taurine). Sales in the U.S. are on the rise, with a 10 percent increase from 2008 to 2012. This is a global concern — yes, concern. Energy drinks are quickly becoming a public health crisis since high caffeine levels could lead to caffeine intoxication, a condition that can lead to “heart palpitations, hypertension, nausea and vomiting, convulsions, psychosis, and in […]

A bottle of Berberine