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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication abilities, and repetitive and restrictive behaviors. Studies indicate that one out of 68 children have some form of ASD, and males are four times as likely to have this type of disorder as females. [1] Today, autism affects more than three million Americans and tens of millions of people worldwide. As rates of autism continue to climb, it’s becoming increasingly clear that there are a number of modern factors that may be […]

Imagine right now if your bank simply cut off access to your accounts, without explanation, and told you to take a hike. Where would that leave you? (more…)

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It’s dinnertime and you’re hungry. Following your internal cues, you decide to swing by the grocery store on your way home from work. That’s fine; after all, everyone has to eat. Nevertheless, do you really know the truth about that food you’re going to buy? If you take a closer look at the ingredients of your common foods, including staples, you may be surprised by what you find. These 7 unsettling facts about your food may make you look at grocery shopping in a totally different light. (more…)

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You probably want to know what’s actually in what you’re eating, right? Of course you do. That’s probably why you read the ingredients label. But even if you’re making responsible choices, there still might be more to that meal than you realize. There’s a movement that’s trying to keep you in the dark about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), not to mention a host of other nasties in your food. You’ll want to stick around while I tell you seven things that you should really know about GMOs. (more…)

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With its onion-custard flavor and an odor that resembles rotten gym socks, the durian fruit is perhaps the most notorious fruit of all. While supermarkets are slowly beginning to offer more internationally popular fruits, durian has yet to reach mainstream attention. The “why” isn’t much of a mystery. Along with its horrible smell, this prickly fruit is large, heavy, and unwieldy with its dangerous, spikey outer shell (eye injuries are common during harvesting season).[1, 2] But, regardless of its taste, aroma, or appearance, it is a nutritional powerhouse packed with […]

A bottle of Kava Calm