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The bacteria in your gut have a huge impact on your health and well-being. They affect how well you digest food, absorb nutrients, the strength of your immune system, and the health of your small intestine and colon, and that barely scratches the surface. The importance of probiotics for supporting gut health cannot be overstated. The bacteria in your gut are a community and there are many types, or strains, of bacteria that make up that community. Here we'll take a look at the eighteen best probiotic strains for supporting […]

I’ve written before about the dangers of soft drink addiction… which sounds like it could even be a joke. How many times have you heard someone refer to themselves as a “cokeaholic”? The truth is, soda addiction is no laughing matter. The chemicals in soft drinks are not only habit forming, but highly addictive. And that’s exactly what the big soda companies want. Let's take a deeper look at some of the negative health effects of soda. (more…)

The trend toward GMO foods represents a major shift in our country’s nutrition. Tests are still ongoing, but many consumers consider GMOs to be a threat to their health. Recognizing this, our nation’s senators have elected to support the consumer’s right to choose or avoid GMOs. Today, the Senate voted to block a GMO-friendly food labeling bill that was snuck into the Senate by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS). This bill would have allowed, but not required, the producers of GMO foods to label their products. Fortunately, these requirements were upheld. […]

Many people associate ginseng with regions in Asia, but there are actually several types of ginseng and a few of them grow in other areas of the world. One of my favorites, Panax quinquefolius, also known as American ginseng, has actually been enjoyed by Native Americans for centuries as a way to support energy, fertility, and digestion. The long, solid track record has prompted many people to add a ginseng supplement to their diet. (more…)

Digestion is a complex process with many moving parts, and there are many steps along the way for something to go wrong. One of the more increasingly common disorders is a condition known as "leaky gut." Leaky gut, otherwise known as intestinal hyperpermeability, is when perforations develop and allow undigested food and toxins to pass back into the body. Leaky gut can be the starting point for anything from food intolerances to inflammatory bowel disease. If leaky gut is an issue for you, you have options. Here are five to […]

A bottle of Kava Calm