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Every five years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) releases updated dietary guidelines that are designed to shape the way Americans look at food and nutrition. The purpose of these recommendations is to promote health, prevent chronic disease, and help people maintain a healthy weight. National nutrition policies and dietary programs for schools and the elderly are formed based on these guidelines. If you’ve followed these updates, you’re probably aware that only a few minor changes have been made each revision. And each time, these dietary guidelines appear to […]

When it comes to helping with digestion, the liver and gallbladder work closely. While the liver makes the bile necessary to break down fats into fatty acids, the gallbladder (located beneath the liver) stores that bile until it's needed in the small intestine. Because of this, it’s very important to keep both organs healthy. Through this article, we will focus on common gallbladder concerns and a few natural remedies. (more…)

Pecans and Texas go way back. In fact, here in the Lone Star State, we honor the pecan tree as our State tree. In 2013, Texas even made pecan pie the official State pie. [1] And speaking of pecan pie, check out this vegan pecan pie recipe we’ve shared just in time for the holidays! (more…)

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There are few things that say, "happy holidays" as well as a warm, tasty pecan pie. Of course, most pecan pies are loaded with sugar, totally erasing the incredible health benefits you get from eating pecans. Unacceptable! That’s why we’ve created this healthy alternative that scales back on the sugar typically found in a traditional pecan pie. Plus, it’s a vegan recipe, so even more of your friends and family will be able to enjoy it regardless of special dietary choices. Give it a try and let us know what […]

Fluoride is one of the most dangerous health threats in our environment, and its widespread use makes it challenging to avoid. On this website, we regularly discuss the health concerns associated with water fluoridation and believe that the prevalence of fluoride in our water supply is not something to take lightly. Fortunately, many in the health and science fields are working toward change, and many of these individuals have voiced their concerns in the new documentary Fluoride: Poison On Tap. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm