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The CDC estimates around 5.3 million Americans are living with some form of Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is expected to double by 2050. [1] Dementia, a generalized term used to describe neurodegeneration, is a disabling issue that have definitive roots in lifestyle and nutritional habits. While genetics may play a role in brain health, it’s lifestyle that is the driving force behind the progression of hereditary variables. A recent study is suggesting pomegranate, a red deciduous fruit rich in polyphenols, may be a potent protector against mental degeneration. (more…)

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Fluoride was originally added to the water supply sometime around the end of World War II to improve overall dental health. Unfortunately, no one anticipated the physical health dangers. Now, more and more people recognize the effects, and one of those is how it damages the pineal gland. (more…)

While it’s safe to say we love our pets, we might not feel the same way about their dander. An allergy to dander (the dead skin pets shed) is common, yet understanding and finding relief from pet allergies is a little more complicated. Reactions to dander are more than nasal irritation, they really start in our immune system. [1] A healthy immune system seeks out foreign bodies and works to get rid of them. When you have pet allergies, you have a hypersensitive immune system. (more…)

The rate of mental disorder diagnoses has grown exponentially in recent years, as has antidepressant use. People of all ages are being prescribed mind-altering drugs to battle depression, despite evidence suggesting they do more harm than good and sometimes don't work at all. [1] [2] The massive use has also contributed to antidepressants being found in the public water supply. You could be one of the millions of people who are ingesting these chemical drugs and don't even know it. Now, new evidence is even linking antidepressants to birth defects. […]

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Probiotics have received much attention in recent years. Television commercials advertising yogurt with live active cultures, news bits that discuss the miraculous power of good bacteria, and kombucha may have peaked your interest in probiotics. While probiotics can be helpful for introducing new colonies of good bacteria in your intestines, they can only thrive in the presence of prebiotics. Prebiotics are fundamentally the “food” for the good bacteria, helping them to grow and flourish, ultimately benefiting numerous aspects of your health. A recent study is showing that gum arabic, a […]

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