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Women's Health

Brain Health

You may live longer than your parents or grandparents did, thanks to breakthroughs in science and technology. But will your brain remain healthy and sharp along with your body? Let's discuss what science says about brain health throughout your prime of life and into your golden years. Imagine yourself in your 90s. What kind of lifestyle do you want to live? Does your current lifestyle support that vision? The daily choices you make affect the health of your brain not only today but also how it will function long into […]

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Are you having trouble concentrating? Can't stay focused? While most people occasionally struggle with the inability to focus, other people may have a more serious condition like attention deficit disorder or perhaps a vitamin deficiency that requires directed guidance. For most people's everyday lack of focus, simple, easy-to-follow techniques can show you how to improve focus in your day-to-day tasks. With just a few changes, like getting enough sleep, meditating, managing stress, and taking breaks, you may find yourself feeling more alert, sharper, and ready to take on your day. […]

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Tiny organs inside your cells — mitochondria — work hard every day, turning the food you consume into energy. But with age, the number of mitochondria naturally declines.[1] A molecule found in your body called pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ for short, has many benefits for your health, most notably boosting the production of mitochondria. Referred to as an all-natural "fountain of youth," PQQ's ability to power up your mitochondria does a lot for your health and longevity. When you have more mitochondria, it impacts your energy level, metabolism, and resilience […]

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Everyone talks about aging gracefully but let's get serious. When your ears suddenly sprout hair, you leak a little every time you laugh, and you habitually adjust your television's volume control to a very, very loud setting, “grace" is not the first word that enters your mind. How many of us actually age like Harrison Ford or Jane Fonda? (They even named Fonda's character Grace on the show, “Grace and Frankie"!) In our less starry-eyed "real lives," we can nevertheless achieve a reality where our intellectual, emotional, and physical lives […]

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We've all heard about the much-touted health benefits of blueberries, grapes, and other berries, but you may not have heard of the unique compound they contain — pterostilbene. What are the benefits of pterostilbene for your health? As an emerging antioxidant that's getting a lot of attention, pterostilbene is chemically related to the more well-known resveratrol. However, studies show that pterostilbene may have even more powerful effects! Resveratrol boosts heart and brain health, promotes normal blood sugar, and supports a strong immune system, but pterostilbene does those things more effectively […]