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How to Eat a Vegan Diet While Traveling

Written by Dr. Group, DC Founder

You always want to feel good — especially when you travel. Sometimes it can be difficult to eat a plant-based diet while traveling due to a number of reasons. I'd like to share my tips on how to travel and still follow a healthy, plant-based diet.

Either watch the video or read the transcription below to find out these amazing tips!

YouTube Video

How to Eat a Plant-Based Diet While Traveling

Length: 4 minutes

3 Ways to Eat Plant-Based While Traveling

There are many ways to stay true to eating plant-based when you travel. Below are my top three tips!

1. Research the Area Ahead of Time

Tip number one is to research the area ahead of time. I can't tell you how much time that saved my family! We’re able to know where the organic restaurants are, read the reviews, find organic stores, and know where the local farmer's markets are.

We use websites like HappyCow, TripAdvisor, and Google Maps. If you are staying in an Airbnb it's even better because that way you can cook your own food and go to the grocery store depending on how long you stay. I like to stay in Airbnbs because I have my own kitchen.

2. Be Prepared

That leads me to tip number two — always bring some things with you when you're traveling. My favorite things to bring are organic nuts and seeds, protein bars, and things that you can snack on that are very easy to put in a backpack and don’t weigh a lot. Those types of snacks will always get you through to the next meal.

3. Eat Local

Tip number three is to visit farmer's markets. One of the things that you can look for is you can look for an organic certification, or if you’re in the European countries they call it BIO, and that has a little [green] leaf on it. In the United States, it's Certified Organic.

You can find markets that have tons of organic options! You can see how fresh the food actually is. You can find fresh fruits like:

  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Figs
  • Cherries
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Nectarines
  • Apples
  • Plums
  • Apricots
  • Cantaloupes
  • Watermelon

You can see the difference in natural, organic foods because you’ll notice the colors, shapes, and sizes vary. It’s absolutely amazing!

Bonus Traveling Tip!

One of the biggest tips and tricks that I have if you're traveling and you're wanting to stay healthy is to bring a little kit with you. I bring Oxy-Powder®, oregano oil, iodine, probiotics, and aloe. Those are probably some of my favorite things to bring with me!

We always bring activated charcoal too because it helps if you have any excess gas and neutralize any chemicals or toxins that you might get when you're traveling.

Just having that emergency kit of supplements can do amazing things for you! It can keep your gut healthy and clean. Make sure you're drinking lots of clean, pure water when you're traveling too.

Also, give your body time to adapt, but probably the best thing that I could ever recommend is just trying to eat as healthy as possible when you're traveling. That way you could start coming home from a vacation or traveling feeling really good, which makes all the difference in the world.

Points to Remember

Following some of these tips should bring you ease when you’re traveling and still wanting to eat healthily. It can be difficult but remember to always research, bring snacks, and eat locally!

Click here to receive the free healthy living guide that we've put together. Not only does it have healthy eating tips, but it has really great information to help guide you in your health journey.

Tell us what you've done to eat healthy on your vacations or eat healthy while you're traveling.

†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.


A bottle of Berberine