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Women's Health

Endocrine and Hormone

Your endocrine system is your main hormone regulator and endocrine disruptors are chemicals that throw it out of whack. Chemicals like BPA and phthalates are infiltrating our lives at an ever increasing rate. [1] [2] Considering that hormones control everything from metabolism to sleep, protecting it from disruption should be a top priority. (more…)

Life moves fast and a lack of energy is a complaint for many. Fatigue or tiredness has become an increasingly common symptom, and there is a theory floating around that has taken on this issue. Adrenal Fatigue was a term coined by James M. Wilson, and it proposes that chronic mental, physical, or emotional stress taxes the hormone production of your adrenal glands and wipes out your energy levels. As of today, there has been no scientific research backing up this theory, but we will explore this issue while providing […]

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common type of vaginal infection, followed by yeast infections. The primary causes of infections are bacterial imbalance - namely an excess of harmful bacteria - or Candida. Both conditions can lead to an unpleasant set of symptoms, including an unusual discharge, a strong, fish-like odor (especially after sex), burning during urination, itching around the outside of the vagina, and vaginal irritation. Some of the more prevalent symptoms of yeast infections are burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and/or vulva, pain during urination, pain […]

Hormones have a tremendous amount of influence on the way our bodies work – both women AND men. Hormonal imbalance affects mental health, metabolism, sleep cycles, sex drive, and much, much more. In this webinar, you can learn about the science of hormones, why hormonal balance is important, and what you can do about it. This is information everyone needs to hear, both women and men. We'll cover new, groundbreaking information and you'll leave with a strategy to promote balance in your life, immediately. You'll learn… (more…)

The advent of birth control pills seemed like a dream come true. These modern preventative approaches appeared to emancipate women, allowing the joy and pleasure of sex without the risk of getting pregnant. It was all too soon, though, that some women discovered that the control measures weren't the panacea they thought. In fact, the harm they produced was becoming increasingly clear. If you are over 35, have had a history of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, or breast cancer, have migraines or smoke, then you are at a […]