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Women's Health

Environmental Awareness

I recently sat down with Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society and discussed the dangers of genetically modified foods and how to detox your body. This is just one of many topics you could discuss yourself and participate in the Monsanto Video Revolt! Check it out! (more…)

Pans with a non-stick coating are convenient but new research suggests that the chemical used for the coating is extremely toxic and exposure on any level could prove dangerous to brain health, the reproductive system, and immune system. (more…)

Pollutants pervade almost every aspect of our environment. Air pollution is one of the biggest threats, and water pollution comes in at a very close second. Even the pollutants in our foods are contributing to a myriad of health concerns. Researchers believe external pollution may be implicated in cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, among other of the most pressing health concerns of our time. [1] Research is showing that persistent organic pollutants, or POPs, could be altering the gut microbiome and reducing the ratio of good to bad bacteria […]

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A new act is being heard in the House Subcommittee on Health, one that is attempting to keep Americans from knowing what’s in their food. Termed “Deny Americans the Rights to Know,” or DARK, this act will attempt to keep everyone, well, in the dark regarding GMOs, preventing them from being labeled while limiting the FDA’s ability to create a national labeling requirement. (more…)