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A bottle of Berberine

Growing Your Own

When it comes to detoxing your body, there are many techniques you can follow as well as supplements you can take. One plan, in particular, is to eat detoxifying foods. These foods have properties that help your body's natural detoxification processes work more efficiently. They may boost your liver health or help digestion. They contain healthful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Read on! (more…)

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It’s grown in over 70 countries and amounts to over 16 billion pounds of beans every year. That’s a lot of beans… and when they’re only used once and thrown away, it also amounts to a huge amount of waste. If you drink a lot of coffee or have worked in a coffee house, you have probably looked at the massive amount of coffee grounds being thrown away after one use and wondered, “isn’t there something these can be […]

Trees add so much value to our lives. From giving us oxygen to cooling our cities, the benefits of trees affect many parts of our lives. They’re not only good for the planet, but also for your health! You may feel more at peace when you’re surrounded by trees. Even seeing a tree can make you heal faster, lift your mood, and help you feel more connected to nature.[1, 2, 3] Rebecca V., a blogger from Portland, Oregon, loves spending time among the trees. For her, the benefits of trees […]

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Just because you live in an urban setting without adequate yard space, or in a cold or inhospitable climate, doesn't mean that you can't maintain a delicious selection of fresh fruits and vegetables year round. By setting up a proper aquaponic growing system, you can almost guarantee a healthy payoff. (more…)

Ever wonder what farmers did hundreds of years ago to fight off crop pests? Long before the invention of harmful chemical pesticides (yes, the kind that is linked to cancerous cellular activity), farmers and householders came up with multiple remedies for removing insect infestations from their garden plants. (more…)