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Gut and Digestive Health

Maybe you’ve heard how probiotics can help your digestion, perhaps you’ve even tried them. But do you know exactly what they are, and just how they work? Don’t worry, because you’re not alone. There’s a lot of confusion about the role of probiotics on your digestive health, and I want to try to clear that up as best as I can. Benefits of Probiotics Probiotics are really just live bacteria that are constantly replenishing and growing inside of your intestines. Don’t freak out. A large number of these bacterial critters […]

Your gut is populated with “good” and “bad” bacteria. All these microorganisms make up what’s called the microbiota, and a healthy balance of all that good and bad bacteria in your gut can make a big difference in your health. But there are other factors like stress, toxins, and antibiotics — that can affect the diversity of the microbiota and balance of “good” bacteria. [1] (more…)

Your digestive system is where it all begins. You won't produce energy, have a balanced mood, or fight illness if you can’t digest, break down, and absorb nutrients. There are many simple things you can do to keep your digestive system healthy, many of which are completely free. Whether it’s exercise, stress reduction, or even enzyme or probiotic supplementation, all can provide enormous benefit to digestive processes. (more…)

The widespread occurrence of gluten sensitivity, wheat allergies and celiac disease have been well documented. Many of the related concerns such as gastrointestinal discomfort (IBS), rashes, concerns with nutrient absorption and bone loss have been reported and observed. Fortunately for many, following a gluten-free diet can relieve these indications and revitalize health. But, aside from digestive complaints, there may be another reason to avoid gluten – its effect on the brain. (more…)

Gluten sensitivities and gluten intolerance are on the rise, making gluten a very popular topic. Because it's a subject with many facets, here are 9 facts for you to consider to make a sound, rational decision as to whether you should monitor, or possibly eliminate gluten from your diet. (more…)