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Earth Day

Healthy Probiotic Foods

There’s a lot of confusion out there about what makes a good probiotic, so let’s take a closer look at one of the most important around: Bifidobacterium bifidum. This bacterial strain is one of the most popular, commonly added to commercial yogurts and probiotic supplements. Its effectiveness for supporting digestive health could explain its popularity. Let’s discuss more about this powerful, beneficial bacteria. (more…)

If you’re looking for an immune system boost, the right vitamins and minerals can help. Although diet gets little attention in conventional media when it comes to supporting the immune system, it is one of the most powerful methods for keeping colds and other illnesses at bay. Nutrition isn’t the only means of immune system support but it is one of the oldest and most reliable natural approaches. (more…)

Maybe you’ve heard how probiotics can help your digestion, perhaps you’ve even tried them. But do you know exactly what they are, and just how they work? Don’t worry, because you’re not alone. There’s a lot of confusion about the role of probiotics on your digestive health, and I want to try to clear that up as best as I can. Benefits of Probiotics Probiotics are really just live bacteria that are constantly replenishing and growing inside of your intestines. Don’t freak out. A large number of these bacterial critters […]

Your gut is home to good and bad bacteria, and maintaining that balance is more important than you think. Sure, maybe you already know taking probiotics (the “good” bacteria) can promote healthy digestion, but did you know recent studies suggest even more positives, like an immune system boost and mental health support? [1] [2] If you’re feeling a little rundown and you’re not sure why, maybe probiotics could help. (more…)

Bowel diseases are numerous and unpleasant. Among them, celiac disease is perhaps one of the strangest and least understood. The condition is believed to stem from an abnormal reaction of the small intestines to gluten proteins, which triggers a sort of self-destructive immune response within the upper bowels. Fortunately, there is a growing body of scientific research which supports the use of beneficial probiotics and eating gluten-free foods, as part of your Celiac Disease diet, can help alleviate those uncomfortable symptoms. (more…)