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Nutrient Deficiencies

The sun is both loved and feared, and many people either worship its life-giving warmth or shun it altogether. As fear of skin cancer related to UV exposure became widespread, individuals around the globe began shying away from natural sunlight. Many skin cancer campaigns urged listeners to avoid sun exposure whenever possible and slather skin with extra-strength sun block in preparation for even the most brief encounter with the sun. While this advice might’ve had good intentions, the results have had other consequences. (more…)

When approached correctly, a vegan and vegetarian diet is a fantastic way to give your body a pure stream of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, to get the most out of your effort, nutritional knowledge, practice, and discipline are paramount to getting the nutrients you require – especially amino acids and vitamin B12. A journey into the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle without that knowledge may result in your experiencing one or more of the following 10 concerns. (more…)

Selenium is a powerful trace mineral that everyone requires for good health. Along with iodine, selenium is great for the thyroid. It supports the immune system and it's a powerful antioxidant.[1, 2] Adults require at least 55 micrograms a day and some people consume more (it's best to stay under 400mcg/day).[3] (more…)

Shocking new research published earlier this year in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reveals that consuming only the foods most heavily advertised on television makes for an unhealthy diet.[1] All jokes aside, the details that the research provides about just how unhealthy a theoretical "all-TV" diet such as this would be, is still an interesting reminder that we all need to be mindful about what we put into our bodies. Over a 28-day span, nearly 100 hours of television were analyzed. The 84-hour bulk of which was primetime. […]

After nuclear disasters like Fukushima and Chernobyl, many people around the world have begun looking into natural ways to protect themselves from the negative effects of radiation - particularly those who reside near nuclear facilities or other problematic sites. This is an item of concern it's better to be prepared for, after a nuclear incident has already happened is not the time to start researching the best ways to protect yourself. (more…)