Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Since bovine growth hormone received FDA approval in 1993, three disturbing health trends have emerged. Cancer cases continue to increase, obesity has become an epidemic and early onset puberty has become the norm. [1] [2] [3] Related? Maybe, maybe not. You can be the judge as you read through the following 8 facts about the substance known as BGH, or rBGH. Whatever conclusion you arrive at, you'll probably agree that keeping this substance far away from you and your family is good practice. (more…)

Intestinal gas is an embarrassing and annoying situation that many people experience on a regular basis. Gas and bloating is, perhaps, one of the main health concerns that human beings living in the Western world complain of. Estimates show we expel gas at least 14 times a day. That adds up to almost 4 pints of air! But, while these statistics may be the "norm," it is certainly not a healthy balance. What can we do about all this excess air? Below is a list of a few of my […]

For most people, the only real experience they have with their appendix is likely a bad one – namely, that something went wrong and it had to be removed. That's generally the long and short of conversations about the appendix. No mention of what it does... so let's explore and answer the question, what exactly is the appendix and what does it do? (more…)

Vegetable glycerin, or glycerol, is a clear, odorless liquid produced from plant oils, typically palm oil, soy, or coconut oil. Palm and coconut oils are natural triglyceride mixtures; each triglyceride is composed of three fatty acids esterified with glycerin. Vegetable glycerin has a number of valuable applications that include cosmetic products, foods, and as a replacement for alcohol in herbal and botanical tinctures. (more…)

Vitamin C is an important, naturally-occurring nutrient. From deterring cold and flu,[1] to rebuilding tissue, bones and blood vessels,[2] and boosting the body's ability to synthesize calcium,[3] vitamin C is something we all require on a daily basis. Studies have confirmed that vitamin C not only supports brain function,[4] but also helps you heal from injuries[5] and recover from illness.[6] A potent antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals, a diet lacking vitamin C may lead to health issues over time.[7] According to the Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of […]

Women's Health