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With all the talk about probiotics, you’ve probably – at one point or another – considered supplementing. The idea of consuming bacteria, however, may seem a bit alien to most people, simply because they’ve been brainwashed to believe all bacteria is bad. The praising of antibiotics and antibacterials in mainstream culture has simply perpetuated this myth. Probiotics, on the other hand, are symbiotic organisms that help you digest food, stimulate your immune system (thus helping fight infections!), and even produces some of the vitamins you need for life. (more…)

There’s a lot of confusion out there about what makes a good probiotic, so let’s take a closer look at one of the most important around: Bifidobacterium bifidum. This bacterial strain is one of the most popular, commonly added to commercial yogurts and probiotic supplements. Its effectiveness for supporting digestive health could explain its popularity. Let’s discuss more about this powerful, beneficial bacteria. (more…)

According to statistics from the CDC, around 70 million people – 1 in 3 Americans – suffer from high blood pressure. Half of these individuals have their blood pressure under control, probably with some form of blood pressure medication. [1] Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can be a silent yet deadly disease, one that doesn’t necessarily need to be managed by medication. While there are some rare hereditary conditions that make it impossible to control blood sugar with just exercise and diet, most people have the ability to use dietary […]

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Many people are aware that the number of cases of autism has been rising over the last few decades, but everyone is still fairly in the dark when it comes to knowing what puts unborn children at increased risk of developing the disorder. In order to better avoid this debilitating neurodevelopment disorder, it is wise to look at the compounding factors that have been strongly associated with increased autism risk. (more…)

Obesogens is an umbrella term given to the dozens of endocrine disruptors that play a role in obesity. Chemicals from plastics, like BPA, are known obesogens, and these chemicals pollute our waterways and pervade our homes. The effects of obesogens have been studied intensely over the past few years and the research shows that they have a hand in uncontrolled weight gain. (more…)

Women's Health