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Beloved by the Incas, lucuma is a super nutritious Peruvian fruit that contains beta carotene, iron, zinc, vitamin B3, calcium, and protein. Its maple-like taste makes it a sweet addition to smoothies, baked goods, and even ice cream. Viewed as a symbol of fertility and creation, lucuma was called the “Gold of the Incas” and was used for a variety of applications. Recent research shows that lucuma may be helpful for supporting skin health, blood sugar, and even cardiovascular health. (more…)

Sunflower seeds – great at the ballpark, helpful during a long drive, and a native plant to North America that has become a staple to cultures worldwide. Despite their small size, sunflower seeds are a dense source of vitamins and minerals and essential oils. Not only are they a great snack, sunflower seeds offer several extraordinary health benefits. Sunflower Seeds Health Benefits 1. Promotes Cardiovascular Health Sunflower seeds contain two nutrients that promote cardiovascular health – vitamin E and folate. A quarter cup serving of sunflower seeds contains over 60% […]

Is quinoa a healthier option than brown rice? As more supermarkets begin lining their shelves with this ancient, grain-like seed, consumers are asking this very question. Quinoa, a complete protein seed that resembles a cross between couscous and short-grain rice, is a popular swap for rice. Thanks to the increased attention praising its benefits, quinoa is becoming commonplace in many homes throughout the country. While brown rice is better than white rice, quinoa may provide a higher proportion of nutrients and could be a better option all around. (more…)

Are probiotics really that good for you? Is yogurt the best source of probiotics? I regularly hear these and many other questions about probiotics. Probiotics is a straightforward subject, but confusion persists regarding these beneficial microbes. The fact that there are so many different probiotic species, and their many strains, doesn’t help. Let’s start by discussing Lactobacillus gasseri, one of the beneficial microorganisms that assist with digestive health and against harmful organisms. (more…)

When it comes to encouraging good health, it's hard to beat exercise. Hundreds of health benefits are associated with physical activity, ranging from weight loss to mood support. Even if you are eating a 100% organic, raw vegan diet, without exercise you're missing an integral piece of the puzzle. A recent study presented at the American Physiological Society Conference is suggesting that vitamin C could promote similar heart effects as seen with exercise. [1] (more…)

Women's Health