Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

I have already discussed my disdain for gluten in previous articles, citing numerous research studies reporting its negative effects on the brain and digestive health. Gluten is a very hard protein found in wheat, barley, and rye products, and most individuals today are sensitive – if not downright intolerant – to its structure. One topic frequently overlooked is the relationship between gluten consumption and thyroid disease. Although the connection between nutrition and thyroid health has been circulating in the medical and nutrition literature for years, it's only recently that we're […]

Almost 70% of adults in America are considered overweight, and 35% are classified as obese. If rates continue, and many experts believe they will, 75% of the population will be either overweight or obese by the year 2020. Anyone who glances at the statistics knows something is clearly not right. What could be causing this sharp rise in weight-related issues? (more…)

More than likely, you are probably familiar with oats and may also be slightly aware of their many health benefits. Something you may not have heard of, however, is oat straw, or the green stem of the oat plant. Deriving itself from the Avena sativa plant, oat straw has been passed down from generation to generation as a natural herbal supporter for women’s health. The available literature hints to its health benefits, including female reproductive health, lifting mood, and supporting skeletal health. (more…)

Stereotypically, men are notoriously bad at addressing their health concerns. If something hurts, they opt to tough it out. If a preventative procedure is uncomfortable, they put it off. It seems that the more "embarrassing" a concern is, the more likely it is to be ignored. As a guy, I understand the phenomena but I don't recommend anyone follow it. Everyone needs to be in charge of his (or her) own health. Part of the reason for the shyness is the lack of dialogue about these things. Now, I've been […]

The Tupi Indians of Brazil have a long history of cultivating and utilizing various traditional herbs, and Catuaba is one of the leading therapeutic plants used in their culture. This plant is so popular that the tribe has included its name in many of the songs and myths of its people, exclaiming their gratitude for its existence and healing capabilities. While typically grown in the Amazon, Catuaba is readily available worldwide. Research is beginning to show numerous beneficial qualities related to Catuaba, especially for women. (more…)

Women's Health