Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Known as the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D is among the few rockstar nutrients that have garnered national attention and research funding within the last 10 years. [1] Studies continue to show its effectiveness for promoting normal blood sugar, immune health, and positive mood. [2] [3] [4] Sales of vitamin D supplements have skyrocketed thanks to the surge of coverage in the media concerning this “miracle” nutrient. Despite this, vitamin D remains elusive to many. Inadequate intake of vitamin D has become a problematic issue for people all over the world […]

Artificial additives pervade our food supply at epic proportions. Manufacturers claim the stuff is added to enhance flavor, appearance, texture, and shelf life. Food dyes, a food additive used to deepen the color of candy, dry mixes, soups, and even bread, have gotten an increasing amount of criticism these last few years. Health authorities in Austria and Norway have even banned the use of artificial food dyes and European health authorities require a warning label on food that contains the synthetic ingredients. In Britain, warn labels caution that children who […]

Ask anyone who's had a kidney stone what it's like and they'll tell you a horrific tale of pain and agony. Kidney stones, which are jagged mineral deposits, form in the kidneys and pass through the urinary tract. Sound awful? It is. While there's no way to be immune to developing kidney stones, there are steps you can take to discourage their formation. Let's take a look at what kidney stones are, why they form, and what you can do to reduce your chances of developing them. (more…)

Andropause, or male menopause, is a condition associated with a drop in sexual activity, testosterone levels, and a diminished frequency of normal erections. It's an age-related concern and many men are in full swing by middle age. Thankfully, there are natural solutions for combatting the effects of andropause. (more…)

Bromine is a chemical compound frequently used in flame retardants, baking ingredients, cell phones, plastic, dye, soda, and prescription drugs. Despite the warnings from the Centers for Disease Control about the serious, long-term health effects from constant exposure, use of the chemical shows no signs of slowing down. [1] Why should you care? Because research has identified the following 10 dangers of bromine as the most damaging to human health. (more…)

Women's Health