Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

There is a virtual cornucopia of foods, herbs, and other forms of nourishment that are readily available to lower high blood pressure, or hypertension, naturally. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are just a handful of the healthy things you can eat to promote healthy blood flow. Learning the benefits of these foods and determining which ones are best for your diet may help to lower your blood pressure and maintain circulatory health. (more…)

Ten years ago, few people knew about the significance of Candida overgrowth, let alone the health benefits of embarking on a Candida diet program. But today, thanks to new attitudes on the detriments of excess sugar consumption and a growing interest in natural health and nutrition, more and more people are asking about diet as a way to cleanse your body of Candida. Here we’ll explain everything you should know, so you can determine if a Candida diet is right for you.What Is Candida? Candida is a type of fungus […]

The end of the year is a stressful time at work, with deadlines to meet, coworkers on vacation, and new projects and priorities to start thinking about. It's also the time of year when sickness goes around, especially at the office. The stresses of life paired with a tired and taxed immune system can slow down anyone. Fortunately, following a few simple steps can help keep you well this winter. (more…)

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a plant used in cooking and medicine, best known for its distinctive flavor and aroma. While frequently used as a seasoning, garlic is technically a vegetable. A member of the Allium family, it’s a close relative of onions, shallots, leeks, and chives. The benefits of garlic don’t end with adding flavor to food, it’s a legitimate superfood that has been used for an astounding variety of medical applications for thousands of years. (more…)

Iron deficiency knows no borders, it's common throughout the world and in all economic classes. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 30% of the world's population has an iron status that is considered below normal. This may seem like a wildly inflated or inaccurate figure, but healthy adults only store about 3-4 grams of iron in their bodies. This is an incredibly small amount of this essential element and the loss of just a few extra milligrams every day can quickly add up to an iron deficiency.[1] (more…)

A bottle of Berberine