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A bottle of Kava Calm


We all want a magic pill that can help us burn fat. Unfortunately, those don't exist. However, natural fat burners — foods and nutritional supplements that have fat-burning properties — can aid a healthy diet and exercise plan.[1] However, they cannot solve your weight concerns on their own; that requires you to also change your habits and aim for a healthy lifestyle. You can find natural fat burners in foods, including herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. Alternatively, you can purchase fat-burning supplements that come in capsules, powders, […]

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Most people have tried to lose weight at some point in their life, whether it's dropping a few pounds or embarking on a more significant weight loss journey. You may try to lose weight to achieve a better quality of life, improved health, a decreased risk of disease, or simply to look better in your clothes. You may have wondered whether weight loss supplements can help. The short answer is yes — but most likely, you will not see benefits unless you exercise and follow a healthy diet. The best […]

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Metabolism. We've all heard friends and colleagues complain that theirs has ground to a halt or slowly chugs along, preventing them from dropping weight. We’ve also all seen the ads and commercials for metabolism boosters — products that claim to push your metabolism into high gear and promote weight loss. Are there really foods, pills, and supplements that boost your metabolism and make it easy to lose weight? Are they a good idea? If they work, how? And who should try them? Below, we discuss which metabolism-boosting supplements work best, […]

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Iron deficiency knows no borders, it's common throughout the world and in all economic classes. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 30% of the world's population has an iron status that is considered below normal. This may seem like a wildly inflated or inaccurate figure, but healthy adults only store about 3-4 grams of iron in their bodies. This is an incredibly small amount of this essential element and the loss of just a few extra milligrams every day can quickly add up to an iron deficiency.[1] (more…)

Finding the right nutritional supplements to support your thyroid can be a challenge. The concern isn’t a lack of products — quite the opposite. If you search for thyroid supplements, you’ll be inundated with dozens of companies marketing all sorts of pills and potions alleged to support the thyroid. In the sea of brands, options, promises, and claims, how do you know what to choose? (more…)