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A bottle of Kava Calm


You may consider dandelion as a type of weed, but its root has a long history of therapeutic use. Dandelion has been used since ancient times for its healthful properties and support for liver complaints.[1] In Korean herbal medicine dandelion has been used to improve energy levels and health.[2] It is generally accepted by many people in Mexico, and elsewhere in the world, that natural plants have beneficial effects. Indeed, research has shown that compounds in plants have pharmacokinetic effects.[3] Dandelion, long speculated to have antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties, […]

Chicory root has a long history of providing support to liver concerns. Ancient Romans used the herb to help cleanse the blood. Egyptians were known to consume chicory root in large amounts to help purify the liver and the blood. It’s popular today as a caffeine-free replacement for coffee- you may have tried it if you’ve visited New Orleans. (more…)

New Zealand lies deep in the South Pacific, an island not to itself, but by itself. This seclusion has resulted in an amazing example of extraordinary flora and fauna. Aside from the incredible wildlife and sweeping views, New Zealand is home to over 2000 unique plants that have had the interest of the natural medicine and herbal remedy crowds for a long time. One plant in particular, horopito (Pseudowintera colorata) has been of specific interest due to its demonstrated ability at fighting harmful organisms, including fungus and Candida albicans. (more…)

Simarouba amara is a tree found in the wet and rainy areas of the Amazon. Having both functional and therapeutic uses, the wood is used for paper and construction and the compounds within the bark and leaves have a long history of use in herbal medicine. [1] In Cuba, the leaves and bark are used as a powerful digestive aid and harmful organism cleanser. In Guatemala, it's been a traditional remedy against certain vector diseases. As far back as the 18th century, explorers from France reported that people in Guyana […]

Colloidal silver has been used for centuries to promote good health and studies continue to also show that colloidal silver outperforms many mainstream methods used against harmful organisms. [1] With so many cases of antibiotic resistance, it's no wonder why colloidal silver has become extremely popular in recent years. Consumers should know, however, that not all silver products are created equal. Here are 5 things you must know about colloidal silver. (more…)