Chiropractic care corrects spinal alignment abnormalities as a means of treating a wide range of health concerns. Pain relief, spinal alignment, and other skeletal and muscular disorders are among the most common. But, the list doesn't stop there. Not even close. Research has found chiropractic to be beneficial for a huge range of ailments, including connective tissue disorders, infant lactose intolerance, and even autism. [1] [2] [3] Over $13 billion is spent annually on chiropractic health services, making it the largest alternative health field in the United States and its […]
A few years ago, my wife and I were on Hawaii's big island and walking through a quaint shopping area when I noticed a small, hole-in-the-wall establishment that served kava. For the uninitiated, kava is a relaxing, non-alcoholic beverage made from the root of the kava plant, it's popular in the Pacific islands. I'd heard of it but hadn't tried it and figured it'd be a good opportunity. I walked up, paid $6 for a coconut shell of liquid that resembled dirty dishwater, and down the hatch it went. It […]
Artificial additives pervade our food supply at epic proportions. Manufacturers claim the stuff is added to enhance flavor, appearance, texture, and shelf life. Food dyes, a food additive used to deepen the color of candy, dry mixes, soups, and even bread, have gotten an increasing amount of criticism these last few years. Health authorities in Austria and Norway have even banned the use of artificial food dyes and European health authorities require a warning label on food that contains the synthetic ingredients. In Britain, warn labels caution that children who […]
Research conducted by the University of Boston and the Harvard School of Public Health points towards the popular industrial surfactant, Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), or C8, as yet another possible cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. Analysts believe that for every 1 part per billion of PFOA found in a child’s blood serum, there is a 12 percent increase in the likelihood of that child exhibiting the classic symptoms of ADHD. [1] (more…)