Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Diaper rash is a common condition that affects most babies at some point in their new lives. It appears on the buttocks, thighs, or any area covered by diapers. It is characterized by a red rash and may be caused by a number of things. Diaper rash affects the baby physically but the family as a whole. The last thing a new mother and father needs is to stress from seeing their newborn suffer. (more…)

"I woke up around 2:30 am and realized he should have been home an hour ago. I called his cell phone and it went straight to voicemail. I kept calling and leaving messages for him to answer the phone. I fell asleep and woke up around 6:00 am. He wasn't home. I got ready for work but couldn't function. I told my boss I had to go home. I got home and the phone was ringing." The man on the other end said, "I'm looking for the family of Matthew […]

The other day, a colleague of mine sent me over the results from a recent study that sghows a link between higher body mass index (BMI) in toddlers, and the mothers' prenatal exposure to environmental pollutants, such as pesticides found on the foods we eat [1]. The study, conducted by the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, concluded that there is a direct link between prenatal chemical exposure and birth weight/length. Sadly, this is yet another example of the growing amount of scientific data supporting the knowledge that toxic chemicals are all […]

Few experts question the influence a mother's diet can have on her children's long term physical health. Yet, many believe this effect is mostly sociological, limited to positive or negative role modeling, and the development of general dietary habits later in life. However, new research suggests that the foods moms eat could impact the health of their children much more directly. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm