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Every once in a great while, a perfect child is born. One who never cries, sleeps all night, and gladly eats whatever food you choose to put in front of them. But unfortunately for most of us with children, developing lifestyle habits, such as a healthy appreciation for nutritious fruits and vegetables, usually requires years of continual work. (more…)

Many benefits that stem from our increasingly connected online world; but, there’s also a big side effect that most of us don’t know about or consider – electromagnetic fields from microwaves, TVs, radios, cell phones, and Wi-Fi devices may be harmful. While the research is ongoing and there are some dots that have yet to be connected, the negative effects of Wi-Fi exposure is largely being ignored by mainstream science. Now, new evidence suggests it's even more harmful to children than previously thought. (more…)

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Once children start consuming solid food, life-long eating habits begin to take root. What they learn from parents, friends, and others will shape the way they eat. This means that even when a child is young, nutritional education is extremely important for laying the groundwork for their habits and health. And, the evidence is clear, children who consume a nutritious diet at a young age are likely to stick with it and have a greater chance of avoiding health concerns later on in life. There is no question that a […]

With similarities to toxins like bromine, fluorine, and radioactive iodine, perchlorate has gained a lot of attention in recent years. It's a chemical commonly used in rocket fuel, explosives, fireworks, batteries, bleaches, fertilizers, and airbags; and that barely scratches the surface. Perchlorate has completely proliferated the environment and the health consequences are disastrous. The following facts about perchlorate will shock you and give you strong reason to take the necessary steps to protect your health. Top Facts About Perchlorate 1. Perchlorate is Absolutely a Known Toxin By all accounts, perchlorate […]

Research conducted by the University of Boston and the Harvard School of Public Health points towards the popular industrial surfactant, Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), or C8, as yet another possible cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. Analysts believe that for every 1 part per billion of PFOA found in a child’s blood serum, there is a 12 percent increase in the likelihood of that child exhibiting the classic symptoms of ADHD. [1] (more…)

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A bottle of Kava Calm