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Pesticides are an increasing concern among populations all across the world. Even organic food, which is grown without the use of chemical additions, are suffering from the effects of pesticide overexposure. Not only are they harming our food, our bodies, and our environment, many pesticides may be nonessential when it comes to keeping crops safe from insects. Here are some of the shocking facts about pesticides that everyone should know. (more…)

Not that long ago, I talked about 12 ways toxins are sneaking into your life, and while all toxins are bad news, there’s one group that should be banned immediately. I’m talking about phthalates; these are a class of chemicals used to make plastic flexible. For that reason, they’re also commonly referred to as plasticizers. Because they affect reproductive system development, the US government made the smart decision to keep them out of children’s products, banning six of them. This seems like a good thing, right? Well, it’s a start. […]

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It seems that everywhere you look today you can find a source for toxins — food, clothes, children’s toys…you get the idea. Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, toxins can sneak past you, infiltrating your home and body. It never hurts to arm yourself with a healthy dose of awareness and prevention, two components that can protect you and your family from unseen attackers. (more…)

If you’ve ever felt compelled to take another bite, despite feeling full, the concern may not be a lack of self control. In fact, the issue may not even be with you at all: It could be an excitotoxin. These non-essential amino acids stimulate or “excite” the umami or savory taste buds making food seem more flavorful than it really is. These compounds are abundant in most processed foods and restaurant meals, and many people are unknowingly consuming these compounds in large amounts on a daily basis. (more…)

Chemicals infiltrate our food supply, home, and environment; escape is virtually impossible. And, everyone knows, pregnancy is a time when toxin avoidance is absolutely imperative since the developing fetus is highly susceptible to the effects of common chemicals. Even low exposure to everyday toxins could cause abnormal development or birth defects. 5 Common Chemicals and Infant Health We've come a long way as a society but today’s world still presents many great health risks to babies. Harmful chemicals are rampant, despite concerns voiced by many independent scientists. Here is a […]

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