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The topic of GMO labeling is hot right now and both sides are passionate. Should foods in the United States require GMO labeling, following suit of many other countries throughout the world? If there's nothing to hide, then why not label foods? The argument is that GMO foods are no better or worse for health than non-GMOs, and that labeling may confuse consumers and drive down profit for numerous food manufacturers. Now, in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is coming to the aid of labeling proponents, calling for […]

To enrich something means to make it richer by adding good things to it. If you add some organic apple cider vinegar to your water, you've enriched it. Enriched white flour must have lots of good things added, so it's good for you. Right? Wrong! (more…)

We all pretty much know GMOs should not be taken lightly, and a new documentary from VICE on HBO is showing just how damaging they can be to our health and the environment at large. There are no long-term studies on the effects of GMOs to health or our environment, and simply labeling them as safe and allowing them to quietly assimilate into our food supply may lead to unknown effects. If you're anything like me, you avoid GMOs and pesticides at all costs by eating organic. I highly suggest […]

Genetically-modified food is one of the most controversial subjects today. Not only are regulations loose and manufacturers getting away with not labeling them, they’re being approved at an alarmingly swift rate without the appropriate long-term health assessment. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved of two GMO foods, potatoes and apples, as safe and equally nutritious as conventional varieties, and they’re pushing to get these items to a grocery store near you. (more…)

The Organic Consumers Association is working hard to support LD 991, a bill that will require GM foods to sport a label on its packaging. This push is just one in a long line of many by people like you who support transparency in our food system. If we can get Maine, among other states, to start labeling GMO foods, we can slowly get the country to support our efforts. (more…)

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