Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a significant role in human health.[1] As an antioxidant, vitamin E helps maintain healthy cells and, subsequently, a healthy body. Vitamin E can also help with poor eyesight[2], gout[3], and arthritis.[4] Today, we'll look at key roles vitamin E plays within the body. (more…)

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Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a therapeutic plant found in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East.[1] Also known as horse bristle, scouring rush, and shave grass, horsetail is a legitimate living fossil that even predates the dinosaurs. Some of these prehistoric plants grew to be 100-foot tall, towering, tree-like giants.[2] Today’s common horsetail, however, tops out at about four feet. Despite its shorter stature, there’s nothing small about the health benefits of horsetail. (more…)

This past March, the Senate rejected a GMO-friendly bill that would’ve made clear GMO labeling optional for food producers and manufacturers. The bill, S. 2609, would’ve made GMO labeling a voluntary practice and prevented individual states from enacting their own legislation governing GMO labeling practices within their boundaries. This legislation does not reflect popular opinion, as about 90% of Americans support mandatory GMO labeling.[1] As if that's not enough, there’s something else in this bill that's even more shocking. Had this bill passed, the Federal Government would have appropriated millions […]

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Detox water has become a wildly popular diet craze. Many hail it as a miracle diet and think it can support weight loss. Could this be a revolutionary new way to drop pounds and trim the physique, or is it just another fad diet? Let’s start by understanding what detox water is. (more…)

The trend toward GMO foods represents a major shift in our country’s nutrition. Tests are still ongoing, but many consumers consider GMOs to be a threat to their health. Recognizing this, our nation’s senators have elected to support the consumer’s right to choose or avoid GMOs. Today, the Senate voted to block a GMO-friendly food labeling bill that was snuck into the Senate by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS). This bill would have allowed, but not required, the producers of GMO foods to label their products. Fortunately, these requirements were upheld. […]

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