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The leaves of bearberry, or uva ursi as it is often called, have played an important role in kidney and urinary health around the globe for centuries. It remained a common approach to UTIs and kidney stones until the recent advent of antibiotics. The overuse of antibiotic therapy, however, has resulted in numerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria issues. Fortunately, plant-based approaches continue to prove effective against harmful organisms. Here’s 6 facts you should know about how uva ursi may support kidney and urinary tract health. (more…)

When it comes to protecting the body, a discussion involving the best ways of keeping the heart, brain, and digestive tract strong is almost always brought up. The urinary tract – which includes the kidneys and bladder – carries a heavy burden when it comes to removing many of the body’s toxins. When the urinary tract is under a great deal of stress, toxins can build up and damage organs. Mallow root, commonly called marshmallow as a reference to the marshes it's typically grown in, has been used since ancient […]

You’ve probably seen the ads and infomercials extolling the benefits of using an inversion table. Inversion therapy is said to relieve back pain, let your joints decompress, allow more nutrients to reach your discs, and boost circulation. I own an inversion table and use it regularly, bottom line (and disclaimer): I am a fan. I can only speak for myself, but after a 10 or 15-minute session, I feel great. My back feels rejuvenated, my neck is limber, my circulation is humming, every muscle in my body feels like it […]

Lemon juice is a popular ingredient used in fresh lemonade, facial tonics, and natural household cleaning recipes. Folk medicine says this vitamin C-rich juice may even dissolve kidney stones, yet science remains inconclusive on these claims. But, science does agree that lemon juice may support kidney health; on the other end of that stick, lemon juice is by no means a cure all for kidney stones. Regardless of the ambiguity, lemon juice has potent nutritional benefits for the kidneys, possibly providing protection against kidney stone development. Again, many factors come […]

Gravel root is a powerful therapeutic plant that's popular in traditional medicine. Generally a mauve- or white-colored flowering perennial, gravel root can primarily be found along the East Coast of North America and Canada. Gravel root can sometimes be found as far south as Florida as it thrives in sunny and damp conditions. Often, the plant is found in wetlands, woodland areas, and meadows. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm