Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Oxygen is, by far, the most vital component humans need to live. We can go weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without air. To get the most out of oxygen, it's imperative our lungs are functioning properly. Every cell in the human body requires oxygen and, although it seems like an autonomous function, deep breathing exercises can be done to help clear out toxins that may have built up in the lungs which can help improve lung performance and clear airways. Deep breathing gets more […]

Castor Oil Packs have been used successfully over the years for lung cleansing. Castor oil has long been used as a folk remedy for a broad spectrum of ailments, including skin conditions, to liver and gallbladder cleansing. In addition to well-known applications of castor oil, Edgar Cayce strongly recommended using castor oil packs to stimulate waste elimination and lymphatic circulation. (more…)

Looking for foods that help your lungs? Look no further! We have three of the top foods to help cleanse your lungs and keep them in tip-top shape. Pistachios Pistachios don't provide the same direct lung cleansing benefits the way many herbs do. But they're still important to anyone interested in improving their lung health. They contain a type of Vitamin E, known as gamma-tocopherol that can offer a certain level of protection against some forms of lung cance, according to some studies.[1] Pistachios are also thought to help lower […]

Peppermint, mentha piperita, is a versatile plant that has been cultivated and used for centuries in a variety of natural capacities ranging from indigestion, motion sickness, gas relief and more. Because it inhibits the growth of bacteria, mouthwash and toothpaste may be among peppermint’s best-known applications. However, peppermint’s soothing and relaxing properties have placed it at the forefront of herbs found to be especially beneficial when used to support respiratory disorders such as cold, cough, throat irritation, and sinus redness. (more…)

Vitamin C is often thought of as a sort of wonder supplement many of us turn to it when we start to feel sick. Whether it’s orange juice to ease a cold, or fizzy tablets as a pre-flight precaution, vitamin C is there when we need it. While it’s also no secret that children can benefit from vitamin C just as much as adults, new medical findings could mean that, for some kids, its effects are literally life changing. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm