Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Have you ever read a food or supplement label, saw that it contained citric acid, and wondered what the heck citric acid is? Though the name sounds half-natural half-synthetic, citric acid is a wonderful natural ingredient that can boost detoxification and support healthy digestion, energy levels, and kidney function. Here, we’ll take a look at this intriguing ingredient and explain how the right type of citric acid can benefit your health. (more…)

Cayenne pepper is a potent weight loss aid that can help curb your appetite, heat up your metabolism, and even help burn extra fat. With these significant benefits, it should be no surprise that cayenne is an integral part of popular weight loss plans like the Master Cleanse. Cayenne peppers can be grown at home or purchased at almost any grocery store. If you are looking for a safe, reliable strategy to fortify your efforts to support a healthy body weight, cayenne is an option you should consider. (more…)

When you are feeling sluggish and slow, what do you do? Many people turn to caffeine in the form of teas, coffees, and energy drinks. These methods may provide temporary relief, but if you feel tired because of a B12 deficiency, caffeine won't solve the underlying concern. Lack of energy due to a B12 deficiency is more common than you think. Nearly 40 percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin B12.[1] Since this B vitamin plays a part in the production of red blood cells, nerve sheaths, and DNA, you’ll […]

Feeling tired now and then is normal and natural. It may just mean you need more sleep, and getting a full night’s rest may relieve any fatigue you're feeling. A chronic state of fatigue, however, represents a much bigger issue. Since energy is a cellular function that depends on the vitamins and minerals you consume each day, consistent low energy levels often indicate an imbalance in nutrients. (more…)

Iodine is one of the building blocks the thyroid uses to produce the hormones necessary for proper metabolic function. As you might guess, without enough iodine, you can experience a number of concerns, such as hypothyroidism. One of the most popular ways to test for iodine deficiency is the iodine patch test. The Iodine Patch Test theoretically measures how quickly the body absorbs iodine through the skin. The issue with this test is that it's not 100% reliable and doesn't provide an extensive view of your iodine levels as could […]

A bottle of Kava Calm