Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Calorie restriction is defined as a reduction of 30-60% of one’s regular calorie intake while maintaining a diet that provides enough nutrients to prevent malnutrition. Scientists believe calorie restriction stimulates a defensive state designed to help an organism survive environmental and metabolic adversity. This non-genetic strategy has been observed to encourage youthfulness and extend average and maximum lifespan in most living creatures. [1] (more…)

Black walnuts and their hulls (from the green hull) contain high amounts of antioxidants, iodine, and essential fatty acids. Black walnuts have been used for hundreds of years by Native American, Russian and Chinese cultures for a variety of conditions, including expelling harmful organisms. (more…)

Almost 70% of adults in America are considered overweight, and 35% are classified as obese. If rates continue, and many experts believe they will, 75% of the population will be either overweight or obese by the year 2020. Anyone who glances at the statistics knows something is clearly not right. What could be causing this sharp rise in weight-related issues? (more…)

Obesity has been called a plague of the modern Western World. Each year in the United States alone, obesity is directly or indirectly responsible for billions of dollars of preventable medical treatment, and billions more are lost due to its negative impact on workplace output [1]. (more…)

Where you live could be a huge factor in your body weight. Studies have shown that people with lower body mass tended to live in neighborhoods that allowed them more access to walkable living, including being able to walk/bike to work or to their local fruit and veggie shops. Similarly, there was a correlation between less "walkability" and increased body mass, or total body weight. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm