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Women's Health


Side effects are possible for any food, supplement, or medication, and everyone reacts differently to different products. Vitamin C, for example, may promote loosening of the bowels if taken in excess, and too much niacin (B3) may cause a disagreeable flushing. Experiencing unpleasant side effects of a supplement is by no means enjoyable, and it’s best for consumers to do their research before diving into any supplement approach. Generally, the worst side effects for vitamins – including B vitamins – are diarrhea, nausea, rashes, and vomiting. [1] (more…)

Adenosylcobalamin is a vitamin on a mission. Without this active form of B12, the human body would cease to produce energy at the cellular level. This would terminate all cellular processes and result in eventual systemic failure and, left untreated, death. Vitamin B12, in all its forms, is that important. What some people don’t realize is that B12 is unique in that it’s not a plant-based vitamin. Only bacteria create it, making humans completely dependent on these microscopic organisms for survival. Yes, animal foods do contain B12; but, all of […]

Cilantro and coriander are the names used in the United States to describe two different parts of the same plant, Coriandrum sativum. It’s an annual herb, which means it blooms and must be replanted yearly. Cilantro is used to describe the green, citrus-flavored leaves. Coriander is the common name for the plant’s light brown seeds, which are dried and used as a cooking spice. Exactly what you call, or how you use, this amazing plant varies depending on where you live in the world, but its health benefits remain the […]

You don’t have to look at many health food advertisements to see how many marketing messages focus on antioxidants and free radicals. Free radicals are depicted as a cause of human aging and disease while antioxidants are the ultimate defense. Although the ad wizards sometimes exaggerate the truth, free radicals do, in fact, corrupt important molecules like DNA, and antioxidants do reduce the damage they cause. Your cell's mitochondria release energy that they obtain from molecules in your food, but they also unleash electron-stealing free radicals — like reactive oxygen […]

There are many symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. Different women experience different mixes of symptoms, depending mostly on hormonal makeup and lifestyle. Eighty-five percent of women report experiencing hot flashes them within the first year or two of menopause. Up to half of women continue to have them regularly for years following the onset of menopause. 11 Remedies for Hot Flashes Below are some helpful natural remedies for balancing the body and mind during "the change." 1. Black Cohosh Black Cohosh is a plant used widely in Europe for treating […]