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Women's Health


Many people know "Stinging Nettle" as an annoying garden weed that delivers a painful bite. However, nettle is far, far more than a nuisance! The nettle plant as a whole- roots, stem, and leaves, has been examined by some of the world’s leading research institutions and found to have many powerful, positive benefits to offer the human body. (more…)

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is one of eight water-soluble vitamins collectively known as the B-complex. As an essential nutrient, B12 must be consumed since your body does not make it. If you struggle with fatigue or are down in the dumps, you might wonder whether they are symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Recent research indicates that B12 deficiency is more common than previously thought — up to 40 percent of the U.S. population. Vitamin B12 is structurally one of the largest and most complex of all the vitamins […]

Betaine hydrochloride is an organic compound and vitamin-like substance found in many different foods such as sugar beets, grains, and spinach. It is recommended by naturopaths and medical doctors as a supplemental source of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Studies[1] show that this compound can profoundly benefit individuals suffering from digestive upsets or a deficiency of stomach acid production. Normally, a healthy stomach can produce enough gastric acid to kill harmful organisms. But, when people experience deficiencies in producing stomach acid, they are more likely to have bacterial and intestinal […]

You may have recently heard about the importance of having enough riboflavin in your diet. But what is riboflavin? Riboflavin is simply another name for vitamin B2. It’s one of eight B vitamins that your body uses to metabolize fat and protein and to convert carbs into the glucose your cells require for energy. Your nerves and brain need riboflavin to function properly and it also helps keep your skin, eyes, hair, and liver healthy. As a water-soluble vitamin, your body doesn't store it, so you need to regularly get […]

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