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Women's Health


Agaricus blazei Murrill is an edible Brazilian mushroom with a low-calorie content and high nutrient density. The mushroom, which originates in a small Brazilian village called Piedade, contains minerals, fibers, vitamins, and amino acids. (more…)

The human body needs folate, or vitamin B9, for several essential functions. Folate activates, synthesizes, and repairs DNA. It converts homocysteine, which you don't want too much of, into methionine, an essential amino acid. Vitamin B9 also aids cell division, is required for red blood cell production, stimulates neural transmitters, and is essential for proper fetal development. Needless to say, you need this stuff. (more…)

Camu camu, or Myrciaria dubia, is a fruit tree native to the Amazonian rain forest. It grows as a small shrub alongside the river and produces berries that resemble cherries. Like many other Amazonian fruits, camu camu has earned quite a bit of interest due to its active compounds, phytochemicals, and amino acids. (more…)

Adequate energy is directly related to adequate nutrition and rest. If your energy levels are low, don't reach for an energy drink. The best approach is to start with your diet. Some of the most basic and readily available foods provide nutrients that are full of high-quality, sustainable energy. Some of these foods can give an immediate energy surge while others bestow a sustained, long-term energy increase. In addition to energy, the following seven foods offer incredible health benefits! (more…)